Honestly speaking, the easiest way how to get a customer testimonial from clients in time, is simply to act by asking for testimonials as much as you can. Once you had a good business with some of your clients, you should definitely conclude your mutual cooperation by asking him to leave a review for you. Obviously, it will be a good one. You will definitely want to optimize it in order to have a better effect from search engines.

Prepare your testimonials marketing
If you are ready to learn how to write a good testimonial and you want to guide your client in order to get a properly written review just look through our recent articles. Then you will be well-equipped and fully aware of questions to ask for a testimonial.
First of all, you should provide good service if you want to claim good reviews. Of course, even if your service was not a hundred percent excellent (it is difficult to satisfy all clients’ needs), you can still underline some aspects of your work that were rather helpful. So, here you go!
Send e-mails to customers
Always try to organize a big database of e-mails from your customers and contacts if possible. You never know when and where you can start using it. It may be handy for your future remarketing campaigns too.
But let’s get back to gathering testimonials. What you can do is e-mail asking for testimonials, after the work is accomplished or even a few weeks later. If your clients do not answer your requests to leave a review, just pin them twice and forget about the matter.
When someone is ready to build an effective testimonial for you, just send him the list of questions he needs to answer to send you back. Allow some time to think properly about reviews that potentially will appear on your website.
Help customers to leave a perfect review
Be helpful to your clients not only when working with them but also when they want to leave a feedback. It is as much important as the job done. Basically, it is a written proof of your tasks been completed accordingly.
Guide every single review creation – then you will not have to rebuild them again and again. Collecting testimonials for clients is a very important channel for your business growth.
If the feedback is made not in the way you pretended it to be, never rebuild it yourself. Even if your potential clients do not know that, it will be untrustworthy for your current clients.
Think more about how to get the best testimonials. Try to explain to your clients that their feedback should be genuine and detailed. They must not write a simple paragraph about how awesome you are. It won’t work. It is efficient to write the whole story, why your particular service was chosen and if it resulted well, what are the advantages of working with you.

Be persuasive so that people give reviews easily.
How to solicit testimonials from clients if they do not have any time or will to create one for you? And you really need some great feedback as you probably do not have as many clients! Well, you can provide some nice presents with company design or you can think about free giveaways, invitations to events or anything that you think can be useful.
If you do not have enough budget for sending giveaways, try to ask nicely and explain sincerely why you need some feedback. You can underline the advantage they will have from it. Being honest is always a good sign and a basis for a prosperous business.
A perfect testimonial for you will be based on a good preliminary e-mail campaign, a thorough list of testimonial questions for clients, permanent help on the way for feedback creation and, of course, a profitable location of fresh reviews on the website.