The amount and the quality of your client feedbacks represent the base of testimonial marketing. There are definitely some strategies that can be helpful for you to reveal the best sources and tactics to get your testimonials from clients, to put them on your website and to enrich your social media with them.

So, here’s the list:
- First of all, you should always ask your customers to leave feedback. However, there is no way you offer some reward for each testimonial they provide. If you do, they possibly do not believe you are authentic and you truly represent a trustful brand.
- If you want to facilitate the process, you better include built-in feedback forms throughout your pages. They should be clearly seen, so that people can find them shortly and react fast.
- Another way to encourage your customers to send plenty of reviews to you is to organize a social media activity or a campaign. Any creative idea can be put into life, try to search for trends that make people move. At the end you will request for some video testimonial from them.
- Always make people interact with your social media pages sharing valuable reviews there. People are likely to read them on your profile pages than to go to the website. You can either use Linkedin as a business network, or choose Facebook where there are lots of your hidden customers.
- If you connect your form templates to Google Business page, you can gather more testimonials in a short period of time. Moreover, people check your positive reviews before to leave another good one for you.
- Always ask for video testimonials at the beginning. If not, text testimonial is also ok. But video reviews have much more power and inspire trust. People are likely to watch a short film that can give a better impression than to read a long piece of text with cliché phrases. Embed all movie reviews into your YouTube channel and keep them as videos within the website.
- Create a schedule when you publish new testimonials and try to keep to it as much as possible. Let it be the same schedule when you post new articles onto your blog. It will allow your website content update on a regular basis and keep your social media rich with fresh posts.
- Check your competitors’ activity to see what tricks they use to stay high. If there is something they can teach you – learn and implement it on your website.
- Use e-mail marketing to reach out to your passive customers. Make your e-mails as nice and inspiring as possible. People should react to them after the first interaction.
- Select the best testimonials that played really well for your business and use them in offline marketing channels you have.
Summing up, your strategy on the long way to testimonials collection should be simple, organized, unbiased and social media active. Do not hesitate to involve funds if needed. It will be more rewarding when you get your first results.