Customer testimonials work as a perfect endorsement of your product or service because your clients are way more persuasive than you are. They always get more trust than other elements and content of your website. Testimonials represent the base of your credibility.
A really good customer testimonial can lift your brand name popularity drastically. It is hard to imagine how it can happen! But the truth is that low effort in a correctly chosen point will make you feel gratified.
By adding photos
you can increase the output of your work and build a sufficient level of trust. The more you can justify your business, the better. You meet plenty of people who worked with the companies that failed their promises, crashed, or sent misleading messages. We meet those disappointed people all over through the network. If you persuade them that your business is not like the other ones and justify it, there is a big chance they come up to you with new projects.
If you put a face to leading testimonials, make them bigger and visually more important, and locate them in a dedicated part of the website – you will strengthen the idea of photo-equipped testimonials.
Insert a video interview
with your customer – and you will have a pleasant effect just in a few days. It works like magic. It is as simple as that. By providing a detailed explanation, by making it more accessible (people will definitely prefer to watch a video than to read a text) – you invite more and more of your engaged readers to become potential customers. Customer testimonial videos represent a common practice of testimonial marketing.
Involve “before” and “after”
into the testimonial: this kind of a bridge serves as perfect tactics of persuasion as it includes “past, present, future” and can trace the whole story in front of your future clients. Start your story from a bad end and gradually move to a good one. This course is logic and can speed up the process.
Transportation leads to persuasion. The more you wrap your story into details – the higher convincing effect it has.
Exactness is always favorable
– follow the exact numbers you use in your testimonials. It can be a percentage or a comparison. Any precise number favors your conversions as people like to understand that the information provided is true and secure. Sometimes people ask their friends or people they rely on, to evaluate a company or a business. But most often they try to be independent in choosing a brand and read the feedback from other customers who wandered around before to select your enterprise. That is why being exact implies having truthful testimonials, full of numbers, dates, and stories with details.
Successful competitors are always one step forward!
Do not hesitate to watch your competitors as some of them have already passed the stages you are passing now. Most of them can be really good teachers if you are reasonable enough to follow their customer testimonial examples.