How to find a good way to persuade the audience to buy your products? At the moment there is no better way to do that but testimonial marketing itself. People usually look for social proof before to buy a product or acquire a service. They can hesitate a lot when making the right choice as they are not sure that it can be a correct one.
When you see many people talking about the same thing and approving it, it will definitely persuade you towards the direction to test this product as well.
When you show neat and effective testimonials to your potential customers – they will be willful to become your clients. The testimonial design can be quite different but there are always certain types of feedbacks you can locate on the website.
It is a good way to initiate people buy your product and to start building an online reputation. Interviews can be big enough to contain all necessary data. Start your interview with a bunch of questions moving from easy ones to the trickiest ones. If your customers see a detailed story and the way other people grew with the help of your business, – it will be very persuasive.
Ask your happy clients to focus on one biggest feature and one strongest detail of you. It is very important not to jump from one thing to another making more puzzle and misunderstanding.
If you are really good at something, it is enough for your potential clients to choose you.
Tip: try to put a positive element on your testimonial picture/video. It can be some joyful music or light colors. Any signs of luck and success will provide more trust.
Authority Testimonials
People are likely to be led by someone. When a website is assessed by authority minds, it always makes it bigger and more important. That is why, all business owners and marketing specialists tend to get those precious testimonials from authority people. Just one can be more valuable than several average-ranked feedbacks.
Some businesses try to use this method to promote themselves on Instagram. It is a perfect social media tactics. But if found directly on your website, those testimonials become much more engaging.
Tip: try to put the authority face on the first screen. You should choose the authority well, in order to let people believe that you are given this testimonial from this person.
Social media posts
You can always share the juiciest feedbacks on your social media profile pages where your fans can see them and react. It is just easy to submit a screenshot or a photo with your testimonial into Facebook or Instagram feed. If it is fancy enough to attract users – it will produce a better effect. People read it after they pay attention to it. Probably, some of them will not read it at all. Just in case, put a nice photo on it or something really attractive.
More engaged users will definitely read and assess it. Thus, it is a priority to build a truthful testimonial telling the whole story.
Tips: when posting on social media, there is no need to create an eloquent testimonial. Try to choose the catchy ones, the fancy ones. Inspect the niche and see what competitors do to attract the attention.